Water is the essence of life, shaping civilizations and

nurturing ecosystems. As the lifeblood of our planet,

it is vital to respect and protect this resource.

The Water Stewardship Framework offers a guide

for individuals to become ambassadors for water.

It seeks to nurture our bond with water,

encouraging conscious actions that ripple

positively into the wider world.


Nurture Body

and Planet

Make water your

primary beverage

Use a reusable


Drink mindfully


Reflect on the

Value of Water

Measure your

water use

Reflect on the journey

of water

Practice gratitude


Educate for


Stay informed

on current issues

Participate in

co-learning activities

Share knowledge


Champion Water


Be mindful about

how you use water

Volunteer in your

local community

Live sustainably

In a world grappling with water scarcity and environmental

challenges, it's pivotal to form a relationship with this precious

resource, understanding its importance

and our role in its preservation.

By engaging with the pillars of the framework, you can

navigate your daily life with a greater awareness and

commitment to water stewardship.


Nurture Body and Planet

Embrace the essence of life by choosing sustainable
water sources and practices. Understand how your

choices impact both your health and the environment,

and commit to making choices that benefit both.

Benefits of drinking water


Essential for maintaining bodily fluid balance,

aiding in digestion, nutrient transport, and

body temperature regulation.

Physical Health

Improves exercise performance, helps prevent

dehydration- related headaches, and supports

overall health.

Cognitive Function and Mood

Enhances concentration, memory, and can help

reduce feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

Detoxifiaction and Digestions

Assists in nutrient absorption, digestion, and the

elimination of waste products from the body.

High impact actions

Use a reusable


Keep a reusable

water bottle with

you to stay hydrated

while reducing

reliance on

single-use plastics.

Choose water

as your primary


By prioritizing tap

or filtered water,

you reduce the



associated with

bottled water.

Drink your

water mindfully

Before drinking,

consider the source

of your water.

Opt for filtered tap

water over bottled

water to reduce

plastic waste.


  • How to Optimize Your Water
    Quality & Intake for Health


    24 Hour
    Water Challenge


  • What Would Happen If You
    Didn`t Drink Water

    How Much Water
    Do I Need?




Reflect on the Value of Water

Delve into the significance of water in your life and its
critical role in the world. Recognize the power of your

actions and decisions in shaping a sustainable

future for our water resources.

Benefits of thinking about water

Increased Awareness

Reflecting on water's role enhances

understanding in ecosystems and

human civilization.

Conservation Mindset

Encourages sustainable habits, reducing

unnecessary water wastage.

Informed Decision-Making

Assists in informed choices about water use

and supports sustainable water policies.

Stress Reduction

Reflecting on the calming nature of water
can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting
mental well-being.

High impact actions

Reflect on water's

journey to you

Learn about the local
water cycle and how

water reaches your tap

from its source.

Reflect on the natural

and human-made

processes involved,

appreciating the effort

and resources invested

in making water
available to you.

Journal about your

daily water use

Take time each day to
note down when and
how you use water.

Reflect on how each
interaction with water
is essential to your

life, from cooking

to hygiene.

Develop a habit of

expressing thanks for

water, perhaps before

drinking or while


Acknowledge water's

role in nurturing life

and the comfort it

brings to your

daily routines.

Practice gratitude

for water


  • Explained | World's Water Crisis

    The Hidden Messages
    In Water


  • Are We Running Out of
    Clean Water?


    How Much Water
    Do I Need?




Educate for Empowerment

Deepen your understanding of water's journey and its

global challenges. Equip yourself with knowledge about

water conservation, treatment, and management,

fostering a more informed and proactive approach

to water stewardship.

Benefits of learning about water

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Provides the tools and understanding needed
to make informed decisions about water usage
and conservation efforts.

Global Perspective

Offers insight into the worldwide importance

of water, fostering a sense of global

citizenship and responsibility.

Sustainable Living

Educates on practical ways to conserve water,
leading to a more sustainable and
environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Community Engagement and Education

Motivates educating others, fostering action

towards water conservation.

High impact actions

Participate in



Engage in local or

online workshops to

learn about water

treatment processes,

and the global

water crisis.

Regularly read up on
news and scientific
reports related to
water to stay updated
on the challenges
and advancements.

Stay informed

about current

water issues

Teach friends and

family about water

techniques and the
importance of
water stewardship.

Share knowledge


  • Who owns water?
    (DW Documentary)

    World Water Council

    Water Systems
    Innovation Paper
    (Si Network)

  • Water.org

    Si Network
    Water Group
    (Si Network)


Champion Water Conservation

Commit to protecting and conserving water resources.
Engage in practices that ensure the longevity and purity
of water, and inspire others to join in these efforts,
ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same
access to clean water.

Benefits of preserving water

Environmental Protection

Preserving water resources helps protect
ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity and
supporting ecological balance.

Future Resource Security

Ensures that sufficient, clean water is available

for future generations, supporting
long-term sustainability.

Health and Well-being

Clean water is crucial for health, preventing
waterborne diseases and promoting
overall community health.

Economic Benefits

Effective water management can lead to cost

savings in water treatment and supply, and
helps sustain industries dependent on water.

High impact actions

Volunteer for local

waterway clean-up


Participate in or
organize clean-up

events for nearby

rivers, lakes, or

This not only helps

in preserving natural

water bodies but
also raises community
awareness about the
importance of

keeping these

environments clean

Be mindful

about your water


Regularly assess and
minimize personal
water consumption
in daily activities like

showering, washing,

and gardening.




Choose products

and services that

use water responsibly,

reducing overall

water footprint.

Avoid flushing harmful
chemicals and
materials down the drain.
Opt for eco-friendly
household cleaners and
personal care products
that are less harmful to
water ecosystems.


  • How to Conserve Water
    (National Geographic)

    6 Products That Help You Save Water
    (Tomorrows World Today)

    Top Ten Water Saving Tips
    (World Wildlife Fund)